
TPACK stands for Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge and is a framework which provides the “essential qualities of knowledge required by teachers for technology integration in their teaching” (Townsley, 2009). It encompasses three areas of knowledge:
Technological Knowledge- a knowledge and ability to utilise software and other digital resources

Content knowledge -knowledge of the subject matter

Pedagogical Knowledge- a knowledge of how to teach

All three areas are interrelated, with each influencing each other to enable effective learning to occur. For example pedagogy influences content in that it explains the best way to teach particular subject matter and technology supports the content and the way you teach or pedagogy.  For technology to be successfully integrated, it requires an understanding and manipulation of these relationships (Koehler, 2011).

Koehler, M. (2011). What is TPACK. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from TPACK- Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge:
Townsley, M. (2009). TPACK - a framework for technology integration. Retrieved November 10, 2011, from Classroom 2.0:
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